(4) Dua Abuhamza Thumali
یا مَولایَ بِذِکرِکَ عاشَ قَلبی
O' my Lord! In Your remembrance, my heart
Dua Abuhamza Thumali
یا مَولایَ بِذِکرِکَ عاشَ قَلبی
O' my Lord! In Your remembrance, my heart
Dua Abuhamza Thumali
اِلهی مَن ذَاالَّذی ذاقَ حَلاوَهَ مَحَبَّتِکَ فَرامَ مِنکَ بَدَلاً
وَ مَن ذَاالَّذی اَنِسَ بِقُربِکَ فَابتَغی عَنکَ حِوَلاً
My God, who can have tasted the sweetness of
?Your love then wanted another in place of You
Who can have become intimate with
Your nearness then sought removal from You
Mafatih ul Janan monajat khams ashar
emam sajjad (pbuh)
اَللّهُمَّ وَ ثَبِّت فی طاعَتِکَ نیَّتی وَ اَحکِم فی عِبادَتِکَ بَصیرَتی
وَ وَفِّقنی مِنَ الاَعمالِ لِما تَغسِلُ بِهِ دَنَسَ الخَطایا عَنّی
make firm my intention to obey Thee, strengthen
my insight in worshiping Thee, give me the success
of works which will wash away the defilement of
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 31
بِسمِ اللهِ الَّذی لا اَرجُو اِلّا فَضلَهُ وَ لا اَخشی اِلّا عَدلَهُ
وَ لا اَعتَمِدُ اَلّا قَولَهُ وَ لا اُمسِکُ اِلّا بِحَبلِهِ
In the name of Allah, from whom I hope for nothing but bounty,I fear
nothing but justic I rely upon nothing but His word, and I cling to
nothing but His rope
اللّهُمَّ وَ لا تَبتَلِیَنّی بِالکَسَلِ عَن عِبادَتِکَ وَ لا العَمی عَن سَبیلِکَ
وَ لا بالتَّعَرُّضِ لِخِلافِ مَحَبَّتِکَ وَ لا مُجامَعَهِ مَن تَفَرَّقَ عَنکَ وَ لا
مُفارَقَهِ مَنِ اجتَمَعَ اِلَیکَ
and try me not with laziness in worship of Thee,
blindness toward Thy path, undertaking what
opposes love for Thee, joining with him who has
separated himself from Thee,and separatingfrom
him who has joined himself to Thee
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 20
اللّهُمَّ اجعَل ما یُلقِی الشَّیطانُ فی رُوعی مِنَ التَّمَنّی وَ التَّظَنّی وَ الحَسَدِ
ذِکرًا لِعَظَمَتِکَ وَ تَفَکُّرًا فی قُدرَتِکَ وَ تَدبیرًا عَلی عَدُوِّکَ
O Allah ,make the wishing,the doubt,and the envy which
Satan throws into my heart a remembrance of Thy mightiness
a reflection upon Thy power and a devising against Thy enemy
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 20
اللّهُمَّ وَ اَنطِقنی بالهُدی وَ اَلهِمنِی التَّقوی
وَ وَفِّقنی لِلَّتی هِیَ اَزکی وَ استَعمِلنی بِما هُوَ اَرضی
O Allah make my speech be guidance, inspire me
with reverential fear, give me success in that which
is most pure,and employ me in what is most
pleasing to Thee
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 20
اللّهُمَّ اِلی مَغفِرَتِکَ وَفَدتُ وَ اِلی عَفوِکَ قَصَدتُ
وَ اِلی تَجاوُزِکَ اشتَقتُ وَ بِفَضلِکَ وَثِقتُ
I come to Thy forgiveness, I go straight to Thy
pardon, I yearn for Thy forbearance, and I trust in
.Thy bounty
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 20
اللّهُمَّ حَلِّنی بِحِلیَهِ الصّالِحینَ
وَ اَلبِسنی زینَهَ المُتَّقینَ
O Allah adorn me with the adornment
of the righteous and clothe me in the
ornaments of the God-fearing
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 20