(sahifeh sajjadieh (10
اللّهُمَّ اجعَل ما یُلقِی الشَّیطانُ فی رُوعی مِنَ التَّمَنّی وَ التَّظَنّی وَ الحَسَدِ
ذِکرًا لِعَظَمَتِکَ وَ تَفَکُّرًا فی قُدرَتِکَ وَ تَدبیرًا عَلی عَدُوِّکَ
O Allah ,make the wishing,the doubt,and the envy which
Satan throws into my heart a remembrance of Thy mightiness
a reflection upon Thy power and a devising against Thy enemy
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 20