۴۸ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «islamic poster» ثبت شده است

Thursday, 19 February 2015، 04:45 AM

(sayings of the holy prophet Mohammad (pbuh) (2

(The holy prophet Mohammad (pbuh

ما  مِن  قَطرَةٍ أحَبُّ إلَی الله مِن قَطرَة دَمعٍ اُهرِیقَت مِن خَشیَة 

الله وَ قَطرَة دَم اُهرِیقَت فی سَبیل الله .

No drop is more favorable to God than a drop of 

tear dripped out of fear of God or a drop of blood 

.shed for the cause of Him


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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 19 February 15 ، 04:45
islamic posters
Tuesday, 17 February 2015، 05:39 AM

(1) The part of speech by Ayatollah Khamenei

The Prophet (s.w.a.) says

«انّ اللَّه لم یبعثنی معنّتا و لا متعنّتا ولکن بعثنی معلّما میسّرا»

Allah assigned me to be a facilitating teacher. I 

make life easier and facilitates things for my 

students with my instruction The facilitation 

referred to in this tradition is different from 

leniency, and it must not be confused with laxity 

By “ ... strict with others and with myself ”  he 

meant that he would involve  neither  himself  nor  

the people  in  the  confusing  complexities  of life 

Rather  he meant he was to lead people onto the 

right and  straight  path.  That  is what  facilitation 

means. 2008/5/1

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 17 February 15 ، 05:39
islamic posters
Saturday, 14 February 2015، 12:44 PM

(1)(sayings of the holy prophet Mohammad (pbuh

 (pbuh) The holy prophet Mohammad     

نیَّهُ المُؤمِنِ خَیرٌ مِن عَمـَلِهِ وَ نیَّهُ الکافِرِ شَرٌّ مِن عَمَـلِهِ وَ کُلُّ 

عامِلٍ یَعمَـلُ عَلی نیَّتِهِ

The believer's intention is better than his actions 

 and the unbeliever's intention is worse than his 

actions And every performer does according to his 


Al-kafi, vol2, p84

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 14 February 15 ، 12:44
islamic posters
Thursday, 12 February 2015، 03:53 PM

The most precious gift

(The holy prophet Mohammad (pbuh

ما أهدَی الـمَرءُ الـمُسلِمُ لأخیه هَدِیَّةً أفضَلَ مِن کَلِمَة 

حِـکمَةٍ یَـزیـدُه اللّه بِهـا هُـدیً أو یَرُدُّه بِهـا عَـن رَدیً.

There is no precious gift for a Muslim’s fellow than 

piece of wise saying through which God brightens 

the latter’s way or from danger keeps him away

Nahj ul fasaheh

۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 12 February 15 ، 15:53
islamic posters
Wednesday, 11 February 2015، 11:38 AM

Posters of the whispered prayer

Here are the posters of Dua Arafeh, Dua nudbeh, 

Dua Abuhamze Thumali,  The whispered prayers 

of Sahifeh sajjadieh and Mafatih-ul-janan that you 

can download them










۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 11 February 15 ، 11:38
islamic posters
Wednesday, 11 February 2015، 10:23 AM

The holy prophet's way of life

:(emam Sadeq (pbuh

The Prophet (pbuh) never said, In relation to 

that which had occurred and passed, I wish it 

had happened in another way

Osol al Kafi, vol.2, p.63

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 11 February 15 ، 10:23
islamic posters
Sunday, 8 February 2015، 10:57 AM

(Part of The holy Quran (3

اَللهُ نُورُ السَّـماواتِ وَ الارضِ

Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth

{ The holy Quran } 

{ noor 35 }

۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 08 February 15 ، 10:57
islamic posters
Saturday, 7 February 2015، 09:54 PM

(Dua Joshan Kabir (2

یـا مَلجَـاَ کُـلِّ مَطـرُودٍ

O shelter for every exile

Dua Joshan Kabir 

۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 07 February 15 ، 21:54
islamic posters
Saturday, 7 February 2015، 04:24 AM

Dua Kumayl

اِلهی وَ رَبّی مَن لی غَیرُکَ

  My God and Lord!Whom do I have save You

Dua Kumayl 

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 07 February 15 ، 04:24
islamic posters
Thursday, 5 February 2015، 11:00 PM

(Part of The holy Quran (2

اَلَیسَ اللهُ بِکافٍ عَبدَهُ

? Is not Allah sufficent for his slave

The holy Quran

36 ,Az-Zumar

۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 05 February 15 ، 23:00
islamic posters