Tuesday, 13 January 2015، 12:04 PM
(sahifeh sajjadieh (3
اَللّهمَّ استَفرِغ اَیّامی فِیما خَلَقتَنی لَهُ
O ALLAH let me pass my days in that for which
Thou hast created me
اَللّهمَّ استَفرِغ اَیّامی فِیما خَلَقتَنی لَهُ
O ALLAH let me pass my days in that for which
Thou hast created me
یا مَن یُرغَبُ اِلَیهِ وَ لا یُرغَبُ عَنهُ
O He toward whom desire is ever
directed and never turned away
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 13
یا مَن ذِکرُهُ شَرَفٌ لِلذّاکرین
O He remembering whom brings honour
to those who remember
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 11