۶۶ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «psd files» ثبت شده است

Friday, 2 March 2018، 01:59 PM


بِسمِ اللّهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحیم

وَ یَزِیدُ اللهُ الَّذِینَ اهتَدَوا هُدی

And Allah increases guidance for those

who have consented to be guided.

"The holy Quran"


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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 02 March 18 ، 13:59
islamic posters
Sunday, 6 November 2016، 12:46 PM

(The whispered prayer (6

Emam Sajjad(pbuh):

إِلهی إِنَّ جُودَکَ بَسَطَ اَمَلِی

وَشُکرَکَ قَبِلَ عَمَلِی

O my God! Indeed your generosity has expanded my hope, and your acceptance has led to the taking of my deed

Dua Abuhamza Thumali

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 06 November 16 ، 12:46
islamic posters
Monday, 26 September 2016، 12:43 PM

speaking nicely

بِسمِ اللّهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحیم

...وَ قُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْناً 

and speak to people nicely...

"The holy Quran"

"Al-Baqara, 83"

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 26 September 16 ، 12:43
islamic posters
Thursday, 8 September 2016، 11:48 AM

Lasting act

أحَبُّ الأعْمالِ إلَی اللهِ أدْوَمُها وَ إنْ قَلَّ

To God, the best act is the one which is more lasting

.however  scanty that might be

Kanz al-Ummal, vol 3, p 57

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 08 September 16 ، 11:48
islamic posters
Saturday, 3 September 2016، 09:22 AM

(5) The whispered prayer

یا مَن یَقبَلُ الیَسیرَ وَ یَعفُو عَنِ الکَثیرِ 

اِقبَل مِنّی الیَسِیرَ وَ اعفُ عَنّی الکَثِیرَ 

اِنّکَ اَنتَ الغَفُورُ الرحیمُ

O He who accepts even the least efforts

and excuses many sins.

(Please do) accept my little effort

And excuse my many sins.

Verily, You are the Oft-forgiving ,most Merciful.

mafatih ol-janan

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 03 September 16 ، 09:22
islamic posters
Monday, 1 August 2016، 01:50 PM

Asma-Ul Husna

بِسمِ اللّهِ الرّحمنِ الرّحیمِ

وَ لِلّهِ الاَسماءُ الحُسنی فَادعُوهُ بِها

;The most beautiful names belong to Allah

.so call on him by them

 The holy Quran

Al-A'raf :180

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 01 August 16 ، 13:50
islamic posters
Saturday, 25 April 2015، 08:44 AM

obedience to God

: (Emam Kazim (peace be upon him

Be tolerant in the acts of obedience to God and be steadfast against the acts of disobedience to Him. This world is no more than an hour. You will not find the pleasure and sadness of what has passed away and you will not be able to recognize what is coming. Be patient in that hour and you will attain bliss.

Tuhaf al-uqool

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۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 25 April 15 ، 08:44
islamic posters
Wednesday, 22 April 2015، 07:20 AM

The book of understanding and light

وَ ما جالَسَ  هذا القُرانَ أحَدٌ اِلّا قامَ عَنهُ بِزِیادَهٍ اَو نُقصانٍ، 

زِیادهٍ فی هُدًی اَو نُقصانٍ مِن عَمیً

(Nahj ul Balagheh)

Whenever you sit beside the Holy Quran, a layer of 

ignorance is removed and your heart is illuminated 

when you rise. It is needed to become attached and 

get close to the Holy Quran, understand it and 

.reflect on it

(Aytollah Khamenei)

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 22 April 15 ، 07:20
islamic posters
Saturday, 18 April 2015، 09:25 AM

O he who always bestows benefits

یا دائِمَ الفَضلِ عَلَی البَرِیَّهِ

یا باسِطَ الیَدَینِ بِالعَطِیَّهِ

 O he who always bestows benefits upon his 

.creaturesO he who distributes gifts openhandedly

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 18 April 15 ، 09:25
islamic posters
Thursday, 16 April 2015، 07:04 AM

understanding and insight

 Emam Sadeq (pbuh)

اَلْعَامِلُ عَلَى غَیْرِ بَصِیرَهٍ کَالسّائِرِ عَلَى غَیْرِ الطَّرِیقِ لاَ یَزیدُهُ 

سُرْعَهُ اَلسَّیْرِ إِلا بُعْداً

Working without understanding and insight is like 

travelling in the wrong direction that only takes one 

.farther away from the destination

Al-Kafi , vol1

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۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 16 April 15 ، 07:04
islamic posters