اللّهمَّ اجعَلنا مِمَّن نوی فَعَمِلَ و لا تَجعَلنا مِمَّن شَقِیَ فَکَسِلَ
وَ لا مِمَّن هُوَ عَلی غَیرِ عَمَلٍ یَتَّکِل
O Allah: (please do) include us with those who
intend and carried out their intentions and do not
include us with those who are unhappy due to their
laziness or with those who depend upon unreal
اِلهی هَب لی کَمالَ الانقِطاعِ اِلَیک،
و اَنِر اَبصارَ قُلوبِنا بِضیاءِ نَظَرِها اِلَیک
O my God(please)grant me absolute devotion to You
and illuminate the sights of our hearts with the light
of observing of You
یا مُنَوِّرَ قُلُوبِ العارِفینَ
O the grantor of light to the hearts of the
یا مَن یُرغَبُ اِلَیهِ وَ لا یُرغَبُ عَنهُ
O He toward whom desire is ever
directed and never turned away
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 13
یا مَن ذِکرُهُ شَرَفٌ لِلذّاکرین
O He remembering whom brings honour
to those who remember
sahifeh sajjadieh
prayer 11