poster/ life & death
یا مَـن خَـلَقَ المَـوتَ وَ الحیـاهَ
O He, Who has created death and life
Dua Jawshan Kabir
یا مَـن خَـلَقَ المَـوتَ وَ الحیـاهَ
O He, Who has created death and life
Dua Jawshan Kabir
Aytollah Khamenei
The strong, powerful and divine hand (of Imam
Mahdi) must put an end to the domination of the
oppressive powers with the help of humans so that
rightness overcomes evil and brings justice to the
world and raises the flag of monotheism, leads
.humans to worshipping God
وَ قُـل رَبِّ زِدنـی عِـلمـا
say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge
{ The holy Quran }
Ayatollah Khamenei
A person who is looking forward to the big
peacemaker (emam Mahdi ) must prepare truth in
himself And resistance for achievement
.of righteous
Imam Khomenei
Life in today’s world is life in the school of
willpower. The prosperity and adversity of every
person is issued on the basis of the willpower of
that person. If you want to be cherished and
honored, you must make use of the assets of your
youthful age and talents. With your upright
willpower and resolution, move toward knowledge
practice and the pursuit of learning and insight
(The holy prophet Mohammad (pbuh
ما مِن جُرعَهٍ اَحَبُّ اِلَی الله مِن جُرعَه غَیظٍ کَظَمَها رَجُلٌ اَو
جُرعَه صَبرٍ عَلی مُصیبَهٍ
Nothing is more favorable to God than a sip of
anger or a sip of patience one drinks
Nahj ul fasaheh
(The holy prophet Mohammad (pbuh
ما مِن قَطرَةٍ أحَبُّ إلَی الله مِن قَطرَة دَمعٍ اُهرِیقَت مِن خَشیَة
الله وَ قَطرَة دَم اُهرِیقَت فی سَبیل الله .
No drop is more favorable to God than a drop of
tear dripped out of fear of God or a drop of blood
.shed for the cause of Him
The Prophet (s.w.a.) says
«انّ اللَّه لم یبعثنی معنّتا و لا متعنّتا ولکن بعثنی معلّما میسّرا»
Allah assigned me to be a facilitating teacher. I
make life easier and facilitates things for my
students with my instruction The facilitation
referred to in this tradition is different from
leniency, and it must not be confused with laxity
By “ ... strict with others and with myself ” he
meant that he would involve neither himself nor
the people in the confusing complexities of life
Rather he meant he was to lead people onto the
right and straight path. That is what facilitation
means. 2008/5/1
(pbuh) The holy prophet Mohammad
نیَّهُ المُؤمِنِ خَیرٌ مِن عَمـَلِهِ وَ نیَّهُ الکافِرِ شَرٌّ مِن عَمَـلِهِ وَ کُلُّ
عامِلٍ یَعمَـلُ عَلی نیَّتِهِ
The believer's intention is better than his actions
and the unbeliever's intention is worse than his
actions And every performer does according to his
Al-kafi, vol2, p84
(The holy prophet Mohammad (pbuh
ما أهدَی الـمَرءُ الـمُسلِمُ لأخیه هَدِیَّةً أفضَلَ مِن کَلِمَة
حِـکمَةٍ یَـزیـدُه اللّه بِهـا هُـدیً أو یَرُدُّه بِهـا عَـن رَدیً.
There is no precious gift for a Muslim’s fellow than
a piece of wise saying through which God brightens
the latter’s way or from danger keeps him away
Nahj ul fasaheh