Sunday, 1 February 2015، 05:52 AM
(Dua Abuhamza Thumali (3
اَللّهُمَّ اِنّی اَعُوذُ بِکَ مِن نَفسٍ لا تَقنَعُ وَ بَطنٍ لا یَشبَعُ
وَ قَلبٍ لا یَخشَعُ وَ دُعاءٍ لا یُسمَعُ و عَملٍ لا یَنفَعُ
O' my Lord I seek refuge in You from a self that is
never content and a stomach that is never satisfied
and a fearless heart and a prayer that is not
accepted And a futile deed
Dua Abuhamza Thumali